Thursday, June 5, 2008


Look, this finals was pretty exciting.... game 5 was top notch... who knew the pens could tie it up with 30 or secs remaining? and then win in it 3rd ot! Even game 6... that ending was intense... i screamed at the end... thinking the pens tied it up... my friend texted me from across the complex to ask if that was me who was screaming. it was.

congrats to the wings and mr. osgood sogood.

today i picked up the new h20 album... why? nostalgia? i bought there last new album for the same reasons, but that was in 2001... i think they are trapped in the same time period that i am, so it works

i finished a rough draft of a long project, so i'm excited about that.

today, i spent nearly 4 hours at the dmv.... i now officially have california plates.... and my liscense is on its way in the mail... crazy.

1 comment:

Behr said...

I just listened to an h2o album the other day while I was working out... how weird. Everready is a good song to get pumped