Monday, January 19, 2009

my sign is vital, my hands are cold

The eve of the inauguration... how many people will end up watching it? In D.C.? On Facebook? That's where I plan to watch. It feels like the next place to be watching such a cultural event. I assume people listened to former president's take their oath on radios, black and white televisions, and now H.D. broadcasts and on our social networks. Fast forward 40 years - "I remember when we watched President Obama's inauguration on a social networking site called facebook. Little did we know then how much CHANGE that day we begin..." Change for good we hope. Things aren't looking to good out there. But for at least tomorrow, people will be celebrating, full of anticipation and high hopes. We are suddenly confident in the midst a dense fog. Even our beloved celebrities are showing up to spread the cheer. That's something right? Well, Bruce Springsteen at least performed for the one of the most promising moments in our nations history. (Speaking of The Boss, what a year, probably going to win an Oscar for "The Wrestler" song. Playing for Obama and then playing in the Superbowl Half Time Show.) But we can't just sit back and celebrate and pat ourselves on the back. Nothing's been done yet. Positive thinking will only get you so far. But it's a start.

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