Thursday, September 18, 2008

Avoid the Ulcer

What a week- and it's only Friday- Just remind myself that this is all fun- right?

It's amazing how day-by-day how my perspective of things changes. If feels like I went from feeling confident and having a grand old time, to being overly critical and destructive to myself for my perspective of what I'm doing.


This isn't medical school, lives aren't in the balance.

But it's what I'm doing. What I'm pushing myself through.


It's only a few days/ weeks/ of pushing myself at all cylinders. Really, within 3 months, it will be the holidays, I'll be visiting home and completely restful- reflecting on the work I did and the experience of these few months. Then I will feel the opposite.

The problem is when you have a hole and cover it with sticks and leaves, it doesn't take much to fall through it.

Of course once you're out of the hole, it's so easy to forget what it felt like being trapped on the bottom- even if was only 12 hours prior.

I think I'm just looking for suggestions - answers to how do I push myself to my limits with out the fall out that comes with it?

I'm looking to you, oh faithful reader!

Enough complaining/ ranting/ begging-

Here are some of the highlights of this week:

1) Metallica - I never, never thought I'd be happy about a new Metallica album, at least not in the last 13 years! But damn, it rocks and rocks hard. It's a throw back to their classic style of the late 80's and it's just perfect for me right now. There's a track that just over 9 minutes (no vocals, all instrumental thrashing) that can cover my drive to school from my apartment. Who knew? Also, the 3 song EP from Straylight Run was released on itunes- they always bring me back to a time and place, these songs do the same, even without Michelle in the band anymore!

2) Pumpkin Spiced Lattes and Pumpkin Scones from Starbucks. Obviously the key with this gift from the 'bucks is to not consume them everyday- So far, one Latte a week, and 2 scones since Sunday.

3)Writer's block demolished- I met with my writing Prof. He suggested to break through my writing woes to not write the one 15 page script for the week, but two. I was very happy with my results, though am annoyed with myself that it takes double the work and double pressure to get me through.

Those are three solid highlights - though I don't think the first two count. Oh well.

This weekend I have two days of shooting (Sunday being the big one) A lot of assignments due before Wednesday, so it's going to be busy. But as long as I get through with out developing an Ulcer, I'll add that to the list of highlights next week.

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