Sunday, September 7, 2008

Chronically Disastified

Auditions, art design, camera tests, rewrites- we march towards next weekend- the first weekend of production on my short for this semester! And for the most part, I'm more or less intrigued how I've gone from teaching in my own classroom, to trying to recreate a classroom for my film. I think I may be ready for some new source materials- please send your suggestions.

Since for the most part, September is a wash as far as non-school adventures I'm looking fowared to a few dates in October. Around Columbus Day, I have a free weekend - my goal is to go Disneyland where they redecorate it for Halloween- most notably, the Nightmare Before Christmas -ify the Haunted Mansion. This sounds delightful, and may be my only holiday substitute for John Harvard's Pumpkin Spice Ale... oh how I miss thee.

After the test shoot, I came home to see some asshole had parked in my parking spot, I was livid with thoughts of smashing into their car with mine, leaving a note that would passive aggressively state for the driver to not park in other people's spot, and calling a tow truck, I decided to avoid the entire issue by going directly to the Landmark theater where I knew Vicky, Christina, Barcelona was playing in 45 minutes. There was also a Hot Topic at the mall connected to the theatre, so I could pick up some costume props for my film... I noticed I was 25 years younger than anyone at the theatre, which I'm used to for Woody Allen films... I remember in senior year of high school I dragged Eric to see "Deconstructing Harry" and then a week later, our English teacher, Mr. Brush (Heir Brush for irony, as he was quite bald) brought up the film, but prefaced it as a movie none of us would want to see. Somethings never change. I loved this film- not only the humor, which was dry, circumstantial and overtly witty, I also loved the philosophical stance it took on our ideas of love. Like any great Allen film, there's a sense of over-analysis and crisis with every opinion uttered by the characters. I laughed loudly, and again, was reminded of that feeling I get when I see one of Allen's films. They just seem to bring to a different mind set, an open point-of-view to see the beauty of the world, in a more tongue-in-cheek neurosis than I could do on my own.

Though, I've already encountered people who found the film to be pointless (which it's not, if anything it's dead on at human truth, which often feels pointless) I still stand by it as easily the freshest film Woody Allen has made since... Deconstructing Harry? (I would say Match Point, but after finally seeing Crimes and Misdemenors, I realized he kind of just remade one of the plots of that brilliant film.

Anyway, a new week is upon us, The Mets have actually won in the midst of me writing this post- so they are now back at 2 games up over the Phillies. I have tons to get done this week for classes, but am preferring the idea of checking out some of the food I purchased at Trader Joe's this afternoon.

No matter how many degrees I go for, procrastination is still the key to my success.
Actually, I realize I have little memory of the work I stressed over in the past, so really, this all moot, eventually it won't matter anyway!

That's the spirit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

none of this matters.

i had a 3 day bender without you, and it was weird.